That's me. Yes, I'm an over thinker person.
I don't do thinking about all of the things too much, sometimes I don't think at all and just let it flow. But once I started to think, I think about that-whatever is it- too much.
And I think I have problem with set up my priorities, because i often think too much on small and not really important things, but I can easily let go of big things and not think of it too much.
Small things, like what present should I give for my friends birthday, or...yeah things like that.
And yes, today is my friend's birthday, that genius on excel and a lot of other things things friend of mine. But luckily, I don't have to think about her present that hard cause I have other friend that will do that for me, fufufufu.
But, there's another birthday, 5 days from now, which I have to prepare by myself. And yet, I don't know what I should give to her, how to give it, and etc. Especially when I know she'll have something that will make me happy the most on my birthday. I don't know what, but I just believe that she will hahahaha.
Why is it so hard to give a present for a woman? if its my boy-friends birthday, it will be much easier. I can just give him shirt, tie, bag, wallet, or football jersey. That boy stuffs never fail to please them, and its quite simple to choose.
And wait, I'm writing in english! Another sign that I'm thinking hard right now. I tend to use english when I'm thinking too hard, sad, upset, mad, or when I need to say things that will be better to be written in english. Even though my english is not that good, yeah well this could be a good exercise right?
.... It's just a birthday present, and I've been spending a lot of times just to think about it, and still, I haven't figured it out.
See? I'm such an over thinker.